Standing with Restaurant Families in Their Time of Need:
Discover How CORE Helps

The food and beverage operations industry can be a fulfilling and enjoyable career path, however, unexpected events such as a health crisis, natural disasters, or the loss of a loved one can quickly upend your work and life. This is where CORE: Children of Restaurant Employees steps in to offer support.

CORE is a national non-profit organization that provides financial grants to food and beverage service employees with children who have been faced with a medical crisis, natural disaster, or death, providing a level of support they need to weather the storm that has come their way. Since its founding in 2004, CORE has helped thousands of families across the country, assisting in the form of mortgage and rent payments, car payments, utilities, medical bills, and much more. CORE grantee Joel shares his story of how CORE helped his family.

A bartender and father of four from Wisconsin had his world rocked when he found out his youngest son had stage 4 cancer. Joel and his wife have a three-hour commute for their son’s cancer treatment, drastically changing their ability to work and financially provide for their family. CORE was able to provide the family with a grant that covered their mortgage, car payment, and utilities, for one month, allowing them to not lose their home, and to focus on their son’s health. Joel said, “We are going through something that we never have experienced, and the support from everyone and CORE has been so helpful and gives us hope.”

CORE provides financial relief to families like Joel’s through donations from individuals, corporations, foundations, and organizations connected to the food and beverage industry. In addition to providing financial support, CORE also offers resources to help families navigate the complex world of healthcare, finances, and other services.

CORE is an essential asset for food and beverage industry employees and their families. The gift of a grant can provide a safety net for those who need it most and helps ensure that employees can focus on their work and families without the added stress of financial hardship when facing a qualifying circumstance.  Learn more about how you or your company can help play a crucial role in the lives of restaurant employees with children, and visit or email CORE’s Executive Director, Sheila Bennett at